Thursday, March 8, 2012

Building Update

I haven't posted pictures of the building project lately.  I thought I should bring you up to date on what is happening at 10250 E. 89th Circle S.   Concrete (not cement) has been poured for the basement, garage, and shop floors.  Walls have been framed in the basement.  WGO is working with Weststar to get a transformer.  We have purchased the water meter and paid our fees to Rural Water so should get water out there at some point.

Each Sunday we go out to the house and take the tour.  AJ and I think the rooms look really small.  WGO just laughs at us and contends that they are really big.  My friend Pam had their home built a few years back and she assures me that my perception of the size of the house/rooms will change several times over the course of the building project.  

WGO and I are still discussing budget.  I'm working hard at holding his feet to the fire to stay close to the amount we agreed we would borrow without being the "fun-hater".    I am willing to give up amenities and WGO is willing to take on more debt.  It has been an ongoing struggle in our marriage.  Hopefully we can find  a compromise.

Finishing concrete--that corner in the shade was problematic.

More concrete finished.

Materials for framing have arrived.
Dirt work--backfill--is completed.

Looks like wall skeletons!


I think the thing that has surprised me the most about this whole project is the calm I feel.   For the most part I am comfortable letting WGO make most of the decisions and do most of the worrying.  My attitude, "It is what it is.  It will get done when it gets done."  This lack of anxiety that I feel, although very contrary to my nature, is a great blessing from God.

Until next time, God bless.

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