Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My First Gender Revealing Party

In my first post I may have mentioned that both of my daughter's are expecting.  Did I tell you how excited I am to have babies in the family again?

Last month Megan had a sonogram and the gender of the baby was determined.  Instead of just posting it on facebook, or in her blog, or telling me over the phone she made it into an event-- a gender revealing party.  The celebration was held on February 25th in their home outside of Topeka.  WGO and I went up the night before, enjoyed delicious fish and shrimp tacos and the evening watching television (well, some of us watched tv while others slept.)  I asked Chad, as Megan slept, what the plan was for the gender revealing party.  He said the only thing he knew about it was that cupcakes would be served.

Saturday morning after the decorations were complete and in place, Megan and Kayla and I went shopping in Topeka.  Did you know that Topeka has a Gap Outlet?  I found a pair of jeans on their sale rack for $10.00!!  Then we went to Target and the girls bought maternity clothes.  Shopping for maternity clothes somehow made the fact that they are both expecting even more real.  We had to hurry back to Meg's for the party.

The rest of the guest's arrived.   Those who thought the baby was a girl wore pink.  Those who thought the baby was a boy wore blue.  We had to sign the official sheet under pink or blue and get our picture taken with the appropriate "team".    I decided to wear pink mostly because I thought everyone else would choose blue and wanted someone to represent the possibility of a girl baby.  But the Beisel grandparents both came in pink and Jeanette (Megan's good friend) also chose the pink team.  After a delicious lunch of BBQ chicken sandwiches, it was time to find out the gender of the wee one.  We were all asked to take a cupcake, peel off the paper and bite into it simultaneously.  Inside the cupcake was blue frosting.  The Beisel baby is a boy!   The young couple had not chosen a name and would not even reveal some of their choices--much to the disappointment of both Grandmas!

 Megan decorated with mementos from her and Chad's childhoods and the sonogram pictures.

The expecting couple!

The baby is  a boy!

I am so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter.  She is so creative and competent. It is a joy to learn new things from her like new recipes, craft ideas, and decorating tips.   I have to say having a daughter who is a counselor is quite handy when I'm feeling perplexed by a problem, frustrated with a situation or when I, well, need counseling.  Her husband is a wonderful guy.   Her home is beautiful.  I am even warming up to her dogs who I affectionately refer to as the Bumpus Hounds.

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