Monday, November 5, 2012

October Blessings

Wow, it has been two weeks since my last blog.  Either nothing worth writing about is happening in my life or I haven't had time to blog.  You be the judge.

October is always a little more hectic at work because of the Mission Trip pumpkin patch.  I'm in charge of the daytime workers and taking care of the daily deposits.  I worked several afternoons at the patch including three the week of Halloween.  There are several us who are really glad that fundraiser is over.

WGO and I have a tradition of eating mexican fare on Friday nights.  We call it Fiesta Friday!  You might wonder why this tradition got started.  It is because mexican food goes great with Coronas and Coronas go great with Friday nights.   Come to find out, WGO has some mad guacamole making skills! WGO invited a  co-worker down for Fiesta Friday.  Josh was a great sounding board for WGO throughout the building project.  I think Josh enjoyed seeing the finished project and we definitely enjoyed spending the evening with him.

As mentioned in the last blog we were making costumes for Hadley and Grady.  On October 27th we attended the K of C Halloween party at Church, Hadley as Pepples and Grady as Bam Bam.  It brought   back many memories of taking my children to the annual party.  It was definitely one of our favorite family traditions.  The cousins did not place in the costume contest.  But they are number one in my book.

Sunday was a special day.  It was the day of Miss Hadley's baptism. Surrounded by the people who love her most in this world, she was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Sacraments are really special times when God enters into our lives for the purpose of showering us with his Grace.  They are times we when do something out of the ordinary that helps us remember what is really important:  God, Faith, Family.  Baby Hadley was a trooper through the entire ceremony.  Knowing how she can carry on when she is not happy,  I think both Mr. Lackey and Kayla both breathed a sigh of relief when we said our last, "Amen."

Following the baptism, we all gathered at our home for a celebratory meal. Joining my 16 for the meal were my mom and dad,  my sister Nancy, my sister Judy and her husband Eric.  Mr. Lackey's parents, Alice and Elmer came from Seneca.  And WGO's sister, Tabitha,  came from Burns. Fr. Mike also joined us.  We had a simple meal of taco soup and chicken tortilla soup with the customary garnishes.  Hadley's grandma Alice provided the desserts of pumpkin pie and/or german chocolate cake.  Monica and Trinity played the role of waitress, serving each guest their dessert.  After dinner Fr. Mike said prayers of blessing on our new home, sprinkling it with Holy Water.  It is our hope that all who enter our home receive God's abundant blessings.

I am Blessed! God is Good!

WGO and Josh, our first non-family guest

Grady as Bam Bam

Bam Bam and Pebbles in the costume parade.

Hadley, as Pebbles

Hadley being baptized.  (Trinity took the picture!)

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