Monday, October 22, 2012

Life at a Hectic Pace

I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Life has just got in the way of blogging.  It is amazing how the words busy and stressed and overwhelmed slip into my vocabulary.   I image someday my life will go at a slower pace but for now I will just enjoy the fun and excitement of it all (and try to take a nap on Sunday afternoons.)

The Wednesday after our trip we hosted the MHS Cross Country team dinner.  The main course was chicken enchiladas and chips and salsa.  It was a good first run at entertaining in the new house. (No pun intended.)  The CC team dinner on Wednesday was followed by a CC meet on Thursday.  Kayla, Hadley, Myle, Monica, Trinity, and Raph accompanied me to the field somewhere in Butler county to watch AJ run his last meet of the year.

On the 12th,  Kayla, Hadley, and I headed to Topeka.  Kayla wanted to introduce her first born to her friends in Topeka.  I wanted to see Grady.  On Saturday Megan and Laura hosted a "Sip and See" for Miss Hadley.  I believe this is the last of a year and a half of wedding and baby showers.  It has been an amazing two years.  While in Topeka we had a little photo shoot with the two babies.

The next week was relatively uneventful.  I actually worked 4 days in a row.  It was great being able to spend a Friday with my mom and dad.  I had been off my regular routine for 4 weeks.  Kayla and baby H. came in and with the help of Aunt Nancy we made Halloween costumes for Hadley and Grady.  You don't have to sew perfectly to make a costume--or so I was told.  I think I will probably never progress beyond costume making in my sewing ability.

Friday night the blind guy (or should we call him the window treatment salesman) came to give us a quote on window coverings for 19 of our windows.  Just when I thought we had made all the decisions!   If we get our order in soon we may even have blinds by Thanksgiving.

Saturday Gregg burned the brush pile and I went grocery shopping, made chili for a crowd, and went back to mom's for costume making part 2.  In the evening we all (by all, I mean all 16 of us) gathered at Dan and Myle's for a chili feed followed by a family picture photo shoot.  After getting over the realization that we had a miscommunication on timing and Ty and Laura were going to miss watching part of the KSU/WV game--we all had a good time.

Sunday, part of the crew gathered at the new homestead for hamburgers.  Megan made a yummy gluten free pumpkin dump cake for dessert!  We have yet to have the first family dinner at the house!  That will be next week!

Oh yea, we also closed on the loan for the house!
I am blessed.  God is good

The buffet line.
Part of the CC team.
AJ running
Hadley and AJ

Uncle AJ
Hadley meeting Aunt Renee

Welcome Hadley!

Smile Grady!

Smile Hadley!

The burn.

Me taking a picture of Trinity taking a picture of Megan.
I'm not sure what Raph is doing?

Ty and Laura keeping us informed of the KSU score.

Aunt Myle entertaining Grady

Raph and his Dad goofing around.

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