Monday, April 9, 2012

The Sound of Easter: Alleluia

Alleluia, He is Risen.

WGO and I were very blessed to celebrate Easter with all of our children, the in-laws, and the grandchildren.  Everyone gathered for the Easter Liturgy at St. Michael's at 8:30.  We are officially a two pew family.  After Mass we did the official Easter family pictures in the driveway at the Rental. (The pic is on Megan's camera so I will have to add it later!)

We loaded up and reconvened at the Second Hand Ranch for an afternoon of family, fun, and food.  We were joined by my parents, my sister, Judy, and the George family.  I think maybe the pictures tell the story best.

Raph "helping" his dad mow.

Aunt Kayla reading "Good Night, Construction Site" to Rah and TT.

Chicken on the Grill.

Chad, the assisted griller.

Dan showing off the newest addition to the Ranch:  chickens.

The Chickens

They even got me to hold on of the little chicks.

Did I mention the ducks?

Aunt Judy with her nieces.

What is Easter without an egg hunt?




The Oblingers and the Georges

Gluten Free Brownie Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake!

Happy Birthday, Chad.

God is Good!
Next addition:  An Update on the House Construction.

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