Monday, June 25, 2012


While I was on my little "vacation" in New Orleans,  progress was made on the construction of the Oblinger's new home.   The most noticeable change is that the masonry is complete on the front of the house.  There was some question as to whether we would have enough stone to complete the garage--but no worries.  WGO, Ty and Lucas worked over the weekend to get the cedar pillars up at the front door ready for the light fixtures.  The masons are working on the chimney now and then will complete the porch and put stone and brick on the fireplaces inside.  The cabinet maker installed the cabinets in the mud room and the vanities in the bathrooms.  The trim carpenter completed the master closet and the shelving in the pantry.  One of the beams is up on the ceiling.  Progress is good.

Brick on the Chimney

Cedar Pillars Set

The Mud Room

Another View of Mud Room

Still Another View of Mud Room

Niche Cabinet

Upper Cabinets on the Niche

Vanity in the Master Bath

First Beam Set

Another View of the Beam

Upper Shelves in the Pantry

Lower Cabinets in the Pantry
As WGO and I were standing outside the house this evening, I made the statement that it doesn't seem real to me yet.  It seems like he is just building a house for someone else.  I don't think I believe that this is going to be the home we celebrate Christmas in, the home we have Sunday dinners in, the home we will grow old in.  Is this really the place we will refer to when we say, "I'm going home"?  God is good.  I am blessed.

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