Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wedding Bells

We had another busy and blessed weekend.  Our son, Tyler and his high school sweetheart, Laura were married on Saturday.

The activity began on Thursday, as all 5 my sisters gathered at my mom and dad's.  Some of us cleaned up the yard from the storm the night before.  Some of us worked on cutting out the last of the quilts for mom to sew.  And some of us prepared food for the bridal brunch.   I had to leave before the chicken and noodle feast because I had a meeting at Church.  But I was pleasantly surprised to find that all of my sisters had come down to see our new house.  We sat in the great room, drank a beer, and talked until darkness overtook us.

Friday was the bridal brunch, hosted by my sisters, daughters, and daughter-in-law.  It was held at the Second Hand Ranch.  We had egg casserole,  assorted breads, fruit salad, and yogurt parfaits.  The food was yummy.  It was great to meet all of Laura's family and her bridesmaids in a relaxed atmosphere before the frantic bustle of the wedding day.

After the brunch, my daughters and daughter-in-law did a little shopping and pampered ourselves with a manicure.  I got to the rental in just enough time to get ready for the rehearsal and dinner.  The bridal party gathered at the Hereford House for a delicious dinner.  From there we headed to the church for the rehearsal.  We ended the evening by cutting into a powercat cake.  

Saturday is kind of a blur:  hair appointment, breakfast with some of my family, dressing and heading to the Church.  WGO spent his morning at the house on the bobcat.  It was great greeting family and friends as they arrived at the church.  I was escorted to my seat by my youngest son looking very grown up in his rented tux.  I managed to get my candle lit without tripping or lighting myself on fire.  The bride looked radiant.  Her smile lit up the room.  The groom looked handsome and happy.   Laura almost cried when she was reciting her vows.  It was a very tender moment.  

The reception was awesome.  The room was gorgeous, the food wonderful, and the mood celebratory.  Even though I was told that I have no rhythm whatsoever, I did enjoy dancing with my son to Shania Twain's "Today Is Your Day".   And anyone can dance to the chicken dance, right?  I watched as my son, my special birthday buddy, drove away with his bride with mixed feelings;  sad that my little boy had grown up but proud of the man that he had become.

Sunday was busy too.  We spent some time with WGO's family who had traveled here for the wedding from New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Illinois, New York, Kansas City, and Burns.  We headed back to Mulvane  to watch Ty and Laura opened their gifts at a party hosted by her parents.   Then we headed to Valley Center to meet with WGO's siblings at their cousin's farm.  It has been a year since their mother died.  We gathered at the tree where we buried her ashes, we ate fast food that reminded us of MAO and toasted her with a bottle of Boone's Farm wine that we found in her apartment when we cleaned it out.  WGO and I dragged ourselves home and to bed.  Exhausted but blessed.

The Bride to be and the hostesses of the bridal brunch.

Rehearsing the Vows

The Groom's Cake

Tyler getting a haircut (or vacuum?) from the barber who gave him his first haircut.

AJ, all grown u.

The traditional cake cutting.

The car complete with red solo cups.

Opening Gifts

No caption needed.

WGO with his brother and sisters.

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