Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Big Day for AJ

My blog for this year would not be complete without a post about AJ getting his driver's license.  Even though he turned 16 in May he could not get his restricted license until he had his learner's permit for a year.  You are probably asking, "Why didn't he get his learner's permit before his birthday last year?"  Well, long story short, the State of Kansas changed the rules on me and I didn't read all the fine print.  So yesterday was the first day we could go to the DMV and get the license.   After spending hours looking for the safety deposit key to get AJ's birth certificate, after waiting for the bank to open only to find out that the birth certificate was not in the safety deposit box, after finding the birth certificate at home  we were on our way to Wellington to the DMV. (FYI we didn't need the birth certificate.)  It took less than 20 minutes to get the license that allows for him to drive anywhere during the day and to work or school activities until 9:00 p.m.

I have mixed emotions about this big event.  Of course, I am happy that he will be able to transport himself most places he needs to go.  But at the same time I am nervous about him driving especially outside of Mulvane.   Should I make him call/text me when he gets where he is going or should I just grab onto the adage, "No news is good news."  I know that these anxious feelings will diminish as the newness of AJ's driving wears off.

Perhaps, the advent of AJ driving is a reminder that I am growing old.  The last of my five children has the license that gives them their first taste of freedom.  I think I will miss driving him around.  I will miss that time that afforded me a little conversation that gave me a glimpse into his world.  When you think about it, at birth they are totally dependent on their parents and then, step by step. they become independent.  They don't need us to wipe their noses, tie their shoes, or pour milk in their cereal.   They can ride their bike out of the neighborhood,  stay all night with friends, and go to the pool by themselves.

AJ holding his driver's license outside the Wellington Court House.
But this is how it should be.  Our children grow up and consequently, I am blessed.  God is good.

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