Friday, July 20, 2012

A Housing Update

It has been a crazy week in my life.  I had several projects on my desk at work--two evening meetings in which I was presenting a powerpoint, preparing for registration for Faith Formation classes, and the big one--getting geared up for Vacation Bible School.  Throw in a trip to Wichita to look at flooring for the house, a trip to the vet with a sick cat, and a trip to the hair dresser with my mom and you might say I had a full week.   Let's just say it was a 1 1/2 beer night.

There was some progress made on the house.   A little tile here, a little woodworking there....

Detail on the bannister. 
Detail on the stairs.

Choosing the flooring, again!

Progress on the stair rails.

Detail on Hall Bathroom.

The Heat Pump--the promise of heat and air.

The Front Stairs

Dirt work and circle drive

Tile in the Pantry

Granite on the butler pantry

New deck furniture--come over and have a beer sometime!

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