Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It has been awhile since I have posted a blog.  I have no excuses really, well, no good excuses.  I could blame it on the extreme heat.  AJ does monopolize the computer.   Possibly you would understand if I said that the cable tv got me.

I did make a quick bus trip to Topeka to participate in a Religious Freedom Rally.  As I boarded the Diocesan sponsored bus at the Church of the Magdalen  I got a call from my mom.  It was then that I learned that my 88 year old dad was making the trip.  He had boarded the bus parked just behind mine. My mom was concerned that the trip would be too much for dad.  But as it worked out.  The busses were able to park right in front of the capital.  Someone from our parish brought extra chairs.  And we were able to find a spot in the shade.  I really enjoyed the speakers.  I especially enjoyed the keynote.  It was interesting hearing someone who has written editorials  in the Wall Street Journal say things that I have been yelling at the radio and television for some time.  I'm not sure participating in a rally can really change things but there is something about being with 3000 other like-minded people on a hot afternoon in June.  And it was nice to share the experience with my dad.

On the new home front....the mason has left the premises, the trim carpenter has completed the beams,  concrete is scheduled for Thursday, the sinks are set in the bathrooms, and the tile guy comes and goes.
I'm thinking it would be a miracle if we could move in before our August rent is due.  But then again I am a woman of faith, I believe in miracles.

Speaking of miracles.  I am very anxious for little boy Beisel to make his way into the world.  Wouldn't it be great if my next post was about his arrival!

God is good.  I am so blessed.

My Dad and me

Beams in Great Room ceiling

The fireplace and hearth in basement

Floor in Hobby Room

Where did the tile guy go?

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