Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It has been  a little while since I last updated my blog.  Since I returned from my visit with my beautiful grandson in Topeka,  I have been playing catch up at work and at home.

Last week was Vacation Bible School at St. Mike's.  VBS week is just crazy but a lot of fun!  We had about 40 kids Kindergarten through 6th grade exploring scripture stories with song, games, science experiments,  drama, and even snacks.  I had a great group of adult and teen volunteers which made the work all the more enjoyable.   But, I will probably be hearing those songs in my brain for many weeks!

Following VBS on Friday, I headed to Salina for an overnight stay.  There were six of us from St. Mike's who attended the Catechist Conference there.  We had a great time and were re-energized for the coming year. Throw in three evening meetings to prepare for and attend as well as  registration for classes after all Masses and you have the recipe for a really hectic week at the office.

On the home front, my cat and my daughter  both had health issues.  Let's just say that Wille was have trouble finding the litter box.  Before WGO had her put down, we decided to rule out an infection which entailed a trip to the vet.  The cat is still alive and on antibiotics.

Kayla spent most of the week in the hospital with a urinary tract infection.   There was some concern that an infection could send her into premature labor.  Fortunately that didn't happen and she is home now with instructions to drink a lot and rest when tired. I spent Thursday afternoon at the office and Monday at the Lackey's cooking and cleaning.

Unfortunately when I have action-packed weeks such as these, I tend to eliminate the two things that I should probably step up: exercise and prayer.   It is so easy for me to rationalize that I need sleep more than I need to exercise or to pray.  Now I am trying to get back on tract!

The house is coming a long.  I still have hope that we might be moved in by my birthday at the end of August.  The trim carpenter has finished on the first floor.  The painters have moved in.  And the tile layer is making progress.  

the detail behind the cooktop

 the backsplach 

detail on the backsplash

the kitchen

the entryway tile

Jerry, the carpenter, has moved to the basement!

the stairs from the basement

the stairway

WGO vacuuming the upstairs

stairs to the deck

door from garage to pantry for groceries


Grout in the bathroom!

The painters are getting ready to do their thing.

a handrail

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