Friday, August 10, 2012

A Blessed Week

We had some special visitors last weekend.  Chad, Megan, and Grady were our guests at the rental.  It was great having them here.  I so enjoyed holding little Grady Mack.  Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I wasn't able to spend as much time with them as I would have liked.

My 88 year old dad drove himself to the hospital last Thursday night suffering with a kidney stone.  He had surgery on Friday afternoon.  He went home on Sunday.... with a catheter.    It is amazing how tiring sitting around the hospital waiting to here from the doctor can be.  I am so blessed to have a sister nearby to share in taking care of our parents.  I am also thankful that my brother Kent was in town and could take a shift at the hospital.

I also had a meeting scheduled with my catechists on Saturday morning.  When you are in charge of the meeting and you scheduled it 3 months ago, you really can't just cancel it even if your grandson is in town.

Fortunately,  Megan and the baby stayed a couple extra days.  I took Monday off and Megan, Grady, and I spent the day with Kayla helping her fix up Hadley's nursery.  We made a little pit stop at  g.g.'s and's to show off the baby.

Another blessed week.  Another week closer to the big move.

Grady touring the new house.

Trim in the basement.

The Beisel Family

Mom and baby resting

Grady and Papa

Grady and G.G.

The mobile for Hadley's room--COMPLETE

Megan the master crafter.

Size dividers in Hadley's closet.

Grady sleeping in Hadley's crib.

A beautiful sign.

Pennants ready to hang.

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