Monday, August 13, 2012


Another week, another post.   It was one of those weeks in which WGO and I weren't home together very much.  He had a meeting on Tuesday.  I drove to Megan and Grady to meet Chad at Matfield Green.  (Does anyone know what happens when you turn around on the turnpike?)  Wednesday night I had a meeting at Church.  On Thursday,  both Gregg and I had a meeting--but not the same one.   When we gathered together for Fiesta Friday, complete with Coronas, we enjoyed a relaxing evening watching the Olympics and doing laundry. (When did I start doing laundry on Friday night?)  Ty and Laura, in town for a wedding, stopped by for a short visit.  The down time was short lived as AJ and I headed up to the Church for a youth group wedding cleanup at 10:45!

Saturday morning, WGO and I head north for a baby-q for Kayla and Lucas in his hometown.  "What is a baby-q?" you ask.  It is a combination between a bbq and a shower.  The Beisels joined us for the trek  north to Seneca, Kansas.  Lucas' mom and dad hosted the event.  Alice had prepared a great spread of food complete with a dessert buffet.  After the meal, the women headed inside for the opening of all the cute gifts for baby Lackey.  Some of them, but not all, were pink.  

We spent the night with the Beisel's.  In the morning we went to Mass and out to breakfast and then headed home.  What I really enjoy about road trips, is the time it affords us to converse as a couple.  After a week of meetings it was just what the marriage ordered.

Grady in his new kicks.
Baby Grady

Aunt Kayla

Not too much pink.

Too Cute!

Hadley's first pair of jeans.

For the newborn pictures.

Her first purse!

The shower part of the babyq.

A quilt from Hadley's great aunt Nancy (on the Lackey side)

the bbq of the baby

Lucas says he is READY.

The expectant couple.  

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