Sunday, September 2, 2012

About Baby Showers, Birthdays, and Baptisms

Last Sunday we celebrated the imminent birth of Baby Lackey with a Baby Shower.  My sister, Judy and my daughter-in-law Myle were the hostesses of the affair.   There was a full house at the Second Hand Ranch as friends and family gathered to shower the new mom with gifts for the new baby.   It was great seeing so many of Kayla's high school friends.  Some brought babies of their own.  Where in the world did the years go?

In the past year I think I have been to 10 wedding or baby showers.  What a great tradition to gather as women to give support to the next generation of wives and mothers!  It is not only the generosity of the much needed gifts given but also the stories told and the encouragement spoken.  It is as if we are saying, "We have been where you are now and even though the trials and the challenges inherent in being a wife or being a mother are many, we do not regret the life that we chose.  We wish you great happiness!"

the quilt

"I love you to the moon and back"  made by Aunt Megan

a gift from a girlfriend

Kayla surrounded by love.

Thursday was my birthday.  When I came home from church Wednesday night, totally wiped out, I fell down on the couch.  Immediately I smelled the aroma of something baking.  WGO had a cake in the oven.  I can't remember the last time someone made a birthday cake for me.  (It was probably my mother.) And I am pretty sure Gregg had never attempted to bake a cake.  Thursday dawned a new day.  Unfortunately life goes on even if it is your birthday, so I went to work as usual.  AJ had a cross country meet in Clearwater.  It was nice to have Kayla accompany me to the meet.  Afterward we picked up some KFC and took dinner to WGO and Mr. Lackey who were laying the wood floor at the house. We picnicked on the deck.  I said that I wanted to celebrate my birthday at the new house and so I did!  About the cake,  as I served it to our guests (the plumber stopped by to chat) I realized that it was very dry! Gregg was served last and as soon as he took a bite and declared it uneatable the rest of us put our forks down!  Come to find out Gregg didn't put any water into the mix.  We had a good laugh and as they say, "It is the thought that counts."  WGO did hit a home run with the gift--a gift certificate for a manicure and a pedicure.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention my birthday buddies in this post.  I got to celebrate with Monica on Friday evening.  We had pizza and cake, a really scrumptious homemade pumpkin cake.  Tyler and I exchanged gifts in Topeka on Sunday.   What a blessing to share my birthday with a son and a granddaughter!

AJ running.

Before the cake was cut.

Today WGO and I left the rental at 5:30a.m. to make a quick trip to T-town.  Today was the day of baby Grady's baptism.  It took place during the Sunday morning liturgy at St. Matthew's Catholic Church.  It was a beautiful day for a beautiful celebration of God's love and grace.  I am reminded of the time Jesus said, "Let the children come to me".  He then blessed them and embraced them.   Today he blessed and embraced Grady Mack Beisel!

Grady with his Godmother and Godfathers!

The Baptismal font Grady was immersed in.

Grady with his proud parents and Fr. Jerry.

We stopped by Ty and Laura's apartment.  This is there new table.

The newlyweds--they already of pictures of their big day hung on the wall.

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