Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spinning Plates

I really should be packing.  Yes, you heard that right.  I should be packing but I thought I would send a blog your way while I have the computer and the rental to my self.

Kayla still has not had her baby.  And the house still isn't finished.  But both could happen this week.
Kayla's due date is September 11th and her doctor said because it was her first she should really consider the 16th as the actual date.  I'm thinking what he means by that is that they won't discuss an "exit strategy" until after the 16th.  Kayla is hanging in there, working each day and trying to get those last minute things done--just in case.  Her craft projects are complete and waiting for Mr. Lackey to put some nails in the wall.  (Unfortunately, he doesn't have nor understand the word "nesting".)  I spent yesterday at the Lackey's doing our laundry and getting some meat prepared and in the freezer for easier meals once baby is in the house.  We cooked 10 lbs. of ground beef and cooked and deboned two chickens.  We froze boneless chicken breasts in meal ready packages.  Her mother-in-law brought down several casseroles last week so meals should be pretty easy.

A lot of progress was made at "the house".  The painter finally finished (except for touch ups).  The electrician is making progress and the plumber is about finished.  The tile guy is done.  WGO and Mr. Lackey have laid the hard wood floor.  Carpet is coming on Monday.  And hopefully our trim carpenter   who was recently injured in a motorcycle vs. deer accident will be able to come and finish the trim in the great room.

WGO and I  went out to the house last night to check out the outside lighting, now complete.  It was weird walking through the house that soon will be our new residence.  It almost seems real now.  I don't think I will really believe it is our home until I sleep there, cook a meal there, and do our laundry there.  Even after we move in there will be lots for WGO to do--finish the bar area, build a mantel in the basement, and get cabinets or shelves in the craft room.  So, I still won't have my husband back but he will be closer.

Have you ever seen a performer spinning plates on top of sticks?  Well, I think if is a good imagery to describe my life right now.  I spent two mornings this week with my mom and dad.  Dad is still dealing with his kidney stone and added a fainting incident to health issues we are dealing with.  Until we figure out what is causing his dizziness he is not driving.  At work, each plate represents one of the ministries that I am involved in, Adult Faith Formation, K-6 FF, Youth Ministry including Mission Trip and Confirmation,  and Stewardship.  Another plate is just trying to keep meals on the table and clean clothes in the drawers.  Add cross country, new babies and new house and there are many plates I am trying to keep from crashing to the floor.  Please don't think I am complaining.  I know I am blessed.  I am blessed that  I can still spend time with my folks.  I am blessed with being able to work with such wonderful people at St. Michaels.  I am blessed to have great kids and a great husband working his tail off to build us a beautiful home.  God is good.

Ready for the freezer.

The floor.

Looks like a toilet!

The kitchen has lighting, sinks, and some appliances.

Light fixture in the dining room.

Ceiling fan in the master bedroom.

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