Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wow, What a Week!

I have several excuses for my absence from the blogger's sphere.  One, Kayla had her baby and I have been spending time in Rose Hill bonding with Hadley.  Two, we moved.  And three, we haven't had an internet connection!

Hadley Ann Lackey made her appearance on Thursday, September 13th at 4:45 p.m.  She weighed in at 8# 5 oz and measured 19 1/2 inches long.  She is just about perfect in every way.  This grandma was much relieved that labor and delivery went very smoothly.  It was great getting periodic text messages from the Lackey's updating us on the progress of the birthing process.  My, how times have changed!
Thursday evening WGO and I made a dash to Wesley to get a quick peek at Baby Girl Lackey.

I took Thursday afternoon off to pack but ended up running last minute house errands with WGO.  We made another decision (but probably not our last) concerning mirrors and a shower door for the bathrooms.  So Friday,  I packed fast and furiously.  When I had most of the boxes packed, I joined WGO at the new house cleaning.  We crawled into bed at about 10:00 anticipating the move the following morning.  WGO misread the clock and headed to the house at 4:00 a.m.  I, on the other hand. forgot to set an alarm so woke up 45 minutes before the "moving crew" was set to arrive.

The move commenced at 8:00. My friend Mickie and her husband David were GREAT help as were two of our mission trip teens, Hannah and Elizabeth.  Junior Pauly came with a trailer and Dan came with the three grandchildren in tow.  The girls helped me clean and Raph hung out with the guys.  Lucas showed up just as Dan was needing to leave.  Tyler, Laura, and AJ were also on hand to help in the afternoon.  I especially enjoyed AJ's help in getting the kitchen organized.  Megan and Chad and baby Grady came into town Saturday afternoon.  WGO and I were too pooped to join the family at Dan and Myle's for dinner.  We had a very quiet, thrown together meal at our new island in our new house.

This week I have tried to spend as much time as I can with Kayla and the baby.  When I wasn't holding and admiring little Hadley I was cooking and cleaning and doing laundry there.  Kayla felt good enough for an outing on Wednesday to her place of employment and Target.  On Thursday we went to my mom and dad's to check up on Dad who had surgery on Monday and to allow G. G. to hold her 14th great grand baby.

I was blessed to have such great siblings who came to help dad and mom through this week.  Three of my brothers came on Monday to help Judy with surgery day.  Mary came on Tuesday from Michigan and she will stay until Nancy comes from Louisiana.  It was a great relief for me to know that mom and dad were well taken care of while I have been preoccupied with house and baby. 

There are many more boxes in the garage whose contents need to find a permanent home.  I am sure there will be some rearranging over the course of the next few months.  And it may be a while before I can talk WGO into putting nails in the walls to hang pictures.  But for the most part this house now feels like our home.  Stop by and see us some time!

I am BLESSED.  God is good!

The Lackey's hours after Hadley's birth.

WGO cleaning the kitchen.

The Rental in packing mode.

Thank you Hannah and Elizabeth!

Thank you Junior and Lucas.

Grady and Papa
Hadley and Grandma

Sweet Baby Girl

Hadley's first trip to Target.

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