Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Trip to DC

Where did I leave you last?  The moving from the rental was complete and we were settling in our new home.  Right?

Before I even figured out where all the light switches were, WGO and I flew to Washington DC.  He had a conference to attend and I went along for the ride.  We flew out on Saturday (a 6:30 flight from Wichita International) and his meetings were scheduled for Sunday through Tuesday.  Since neither of us had ever been to the capitol we extended the trip to do a little sight seeing.  We stayed in the historic Willard International Hotel on Pennsylvania Ave just a stone's through from the White House.

Another couple from Wichita attended the conference and we had a great time seeing the sites with them.  We bought a 48 hour pass on a "hop on, hop off" tour bus.  Although our hotel was very close to most of the attractions, the bus saved us a lot of steps.

Highlights of the trip for me included the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington Cemetery,  seeing the Constitution at the National Archives,   touring the Holocaust Museum, and dining at the Library of Congress.  We happened to be walking by the White House as the president was leaving so we got to watch his helicopter, Marine One, land and take off.  Sunday afternoon we also just happened to be walking through Lafayette Park as a Pro-Life/Religious Freedom Rally was getting underway.  I stayed and listened to several speakers while WGO went to the opening session of the conference.  We spent Monday and Tuesday afternoon visiting the offices of our legislators.  Since Congress was not in session we only got to visit with staff members but it was interesting to get a glimpse of how it all works.

I was amazed at the size and number of the Federal Buildings.  It gave me a different perspective at the size of the federal beauracracy  and how many people it must employ.   No wonder our debt is out of control.

On Saturday, WGO's sister and her boyfriend came down from Philly.  We ate at the Indian Museum and viewed the exhibit that her company had made.  Then we went to Alexandria and walked the quaint downtown area and enjoyed a beer together.  We had dinner with WGO's aunt and several of his cousins.  It was a fun and memorable last evening of our trip.

Our flight home left at 6:00 a.m. We left the hotel at 4:00 and arrived in Mulvane before noon.  I won't bore you with all the details or all the pictures of our trip.  But here is a sampling.

Marine One landing on South White House lawn.

Dave and WGO outside Mr. Pompeo's office.

View of Capitol at Night

The Library of Congress

The Washington Monument

The Lincoln Memorial

The Changing of the Guard at Arlington

Van Gogh self portrait at Art Museum
A Visit with Smokey Bear

The National Cathedral

At the Natural History museum

Melinda, Alan and WGO at Indian Museum

Aunt Donna and cousins (and Alan)

I am blessed!  God is good!

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