Friday, April 27, 2012

Lots Happening

When was the last time I posted a blog?  My faithful followers are probably wondering what happened to me and what is going on at the construction site.  Besides going to Hays on Monday to help Kayla clean the house, going to a track meet in Augusta and a track meet in Wellington,  and working on Wednesday night--it has been a laid back week.  I have done the bare minimum around the house which really means I did laundry and fixed a few meals.  But a lot has been happening at the house.   Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing is in process.  The deck is being built. A garage door has been installed.  Siding is complete.  Roofing is complete.  And framing is still happening here and there.

I am Blessed.  God is good.

AJ running track!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April Showers

It has been quite a while since I posted a blog.  I would like to say I have been very busy.  But I'm not sure what I've been doing out of the ordinary.  Oh, yea, I read the first two books in the Hunger Games series.  I'm guessing that is where my extra time went.  

April has been the month for showers.  This time I'm not commenting on the rain.  There have been three gatherings to celebrate the upcoming nuptials between my son, Tyler  and Miss Laura Houser.  The first was on Saturday, April 7th at the Houser home.  It was hosted by Laura's maid of honor.   Megan and Kayla accompanied me because they were in town for the Easter holy day.  My mother attended and the highlight of the morning was the gifting of Ty and Laura's beautiful red quilt.   The thundershower didn't dampen the spirits of Laura's friends and family who gathered to shower her (and Ty) with gifts.

The next Saturday, April 14th,  the shower was held at Megan's house in Ozawkie.  The hosting duties were shared by Laura's future sister-in-laws and one of her law school friends.  Myle and I left the Ranch early that morning and talked non-stop to Ozawkie.   It was great seeing my sister Renee' and her daughter, Rachel and my sister-in-law Deanne, her daughter Brooke and her mother, Marcia.  Also in attendance were Laura's mother and grandmother and several of her Law School friends  Megan had prepared two games to play, the hostesses had put together a great brunch, and gifts were opened.  Myle and I didn't stick around and to visit very long as the media had been hyping the coming severe weather and I was anxious to return to Wichita long before it hit.  On a side note,  it was great seeing the Beisel's nursery.  The walls were painted and the furniture was in place.  The next time I see the nursery, it will be complete with little Grady!!

Today, April 22nd,  was the third and final shower scheduled on the calendar.  It was held at the Mulvane United Methodist church and hosted by Laura's mom's cousin's wife.   A lot of Laura's relatives  and family friends came to bid her best wishes.  Laura successfully opened her gifts without breaking a ribbon.  The strawberry cake was delicious and I enjoyed visiting with my friends who came to shower Laura with gifts. 

The quilt my mother (and Aunt Nancy) made.

The guests in Megan's house.

Playing "lips or mustaches".

Opening gifts.

My girls.

Shower #3

The cake was pretty and yummy!

Laura, Cynthia and I--center stage.

Opening gifts.  (This was wrapped in really cool home-made wrapping.)
 The old saying is "April showers bring May flowers"...But this year "April showers bring a June wedding."  The wedding is less than 5 weeks away!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grandma Day

I was called into Grandma duty on Thursday as my daughter-in-law took a quick trip to KC and Dan had to work.  I arrived at the second hand ranch at 8:00 a.m.  Raph was eating and the girls.... were already in trouble for fighting.  Despite the fact that it was a rainy day and we could not go out and play we had a great time.  We played games and we ate lunch.  We watched a movie and we ate popcorn.  We made a puzzle and we ate dinner.  We played rowdy and we ate dessert.

We played games mostly without fighting.

This is how children who don't have a tv watch movies.

I let Raph play in the garage.  I didn't know he would be "playing" with power tools.

TiTi with Fluffy.  Who has the wildest hair?

Monica, Raph, and Trinity playing dress up.

The puzzle that really strained Grandma's eyes.


Raph and Trinity eating strawberries and whipped cream.

Monica enjoying her dessert.

My grandchildren are so special.  Monica is a sweet, sensitive child who always has something to say.  Trinity is a quiet, thoughtful child who loves animals.  Raphael is a happy boy with a smile that brings sunshine to a cloudy day.  We are blessed.  God is good.

Okay, so I decided this day would make a good blog late in the afternoon.  But the kids thought it was great fun "re-enacting" the day to take pictures.


It has been quite a while since I have updated my blog followers (okay, I only have one) on the progress on the house.  Drum roll please.... the framer is done! I'm sure he is as excited as I am.  Even more exciting is the fact that there is tar paper on the roof.  With the windows and doors set this makes the house basically rain proof.  It has been a rather rainy spring, if you hadn't noticed, and the rain has wrecked havoc on the building project and the nerves of my husband.  On one particularly rainy afternoon, AJ, predicted that his dad would come home in a crabby mood.  And he did.

The interesting thing about weather is that it is something way out of our control.  No matter how much we fret, curse, or stay glued to the forecast we just can't change what "mother nature" throws at us.  Which begs the question, "Why do we fret, curse, and watch the forecast?"

It is what it is.  The house will get done when it gets done.

God is good.

The framer said that the entry was "fun"because he had never done one like this.

Did I tell you the plumber has started!

Do you think we have enough windows?

The Front Door.

The Entry

Still pumping water.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Sound of Easter: Alleluia

Alleluia, He is Risen.

WGO and I were very blessed to celebrate Easter with all of our children, the in-laws, and the grandchildren.  Everyone gathered for the Easter Liturgy at St. Michael's at 8:30.  We are officially a two pew family.  After Mass we did the official Easter family pictures in the driveway at the Rental. (The pic is on Megan's camera so I will have to add it later!)

We loaded up and reconvened at the Second Hand Ranch for an afternoon of family, fun, and food.  We were joined by my parents, my sister, Judy, and the George family.  I think maybe the pictures tell the story best.

Raph "helping" his dad mow.

Aunt Kayla reading "Good Night, Construction Site" to Rah and TT.

Chicken on the Grill.

Chad, the assisted griller.

Dan showing off the newest addition to the Ranch:  chickens.

The Chickens

They even got me to hold on of the little chicks.

Did I mention the ducks?

Aunt Judy with her nieces.

What is Easter without an egg hunt?




The Oblingers and the Georges

Gluten Free Brownie Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake!

Happy Birthday, Chad.

God is Good!
Next addition:  An Update on the House Construction.