Friday, July 20, 2012

A Housing Update

It has been a crazy week in my life.  I had several projects on my desk at work--two evening meetings in which I was presenting a powerpoint, preparing for registration for Faith Formation classes, and the big one--getting geared up for Vacation Bible School.  Throw in a trip to Wichita to look at flooring for the house, a trip to the vet with a sick cat, and a trip to the hair dresser with my mom and you might say I had a full week.   Let's just say it was a 1 1/2 beer night.

There was some progress made on the house.   A little tile here, a little woodworking there....

Detail on the bannister. 
Detail on the stairs.

Choosing the flooring, again!

Progress on the stair rails.

Detail on Hall Bathroom.

The Heat Pump--the promise of heat and air.

The Front Stairs

Dirt work and circle drive

Tile in the Pantry

Granite on the butler pantry

New deck furniture--come over and have a beer sometime!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Newborns Are for Spoiling

I was blessed to spend most of last week with my newborn grandson, Grady Mack.  He is precious (admittedly, I am biased).  He nurses well and is gaining weight.  All of his bodily functions work just fine.  He loves to be held. He is definitely a little cuddle monkey.  We were a little concerned that Grady might be getting spoiled as he really didn't sleep very long in any of his beds.  I wasn't much help as I didn't worry too much about this with my babies.   So Megan did a google search about newborn sleeping habits and found out that babies sleep very lightly at first.  This REM sleep is important for the baby's brain development.  The article suggested that about 6 weeks is a good time to start "training" the baby.  I think both mom and "nana" were relieved to know that our natural instincts to let the baby sleep in our arms wouldn't harm him for life.

Kayla accompanied me to Ozawkie.  Besides holding the baby,  we browned four packages of ground turkey, cooked and deboned two chickens and grilled up a package of chicken breasts.   I ironed 23 dress shirts for my son-in-law.  And before we left we cleaned their house from one end to the other.
In our spare time we worked on the quilt, curtains, and a mobile for Hadley's room.

I was so impressed with how Megan and Chad are handling the stresses of being new parents.  Chad is an awesome father.  He quickly takes Grady when Megan needs a break.   He reportedly even got dressed for work while holding the baby so his wife could shower.  Megan is a natural mother.  Her calmness even when Grady is fussy really impressed me.   The dogs, Kai and Kona, seem to be adjusting okay.  They are curious about the baby and maybe a little jealous.  I have no doubt that Grady's first word will be dog.

One night I heard the baby crying so I got up to see if Megan needed anything.  I found Megan nursing her baby in the soft glow of the lamp in the nursery.  This scene brought back memories of the intimacy of nursing each of my babies in the stillness of the night.  I think the key to parenthood is enjoying your child.  Some days it takes a little more effort to appreciate him (or her).  On those days you ask God for the special grace needed to know how blessed you really are.

I am blessed.  God is good.

There will not be a shortage of pictures Grady!

Dressed for the office.

Trying out the moby.

Trying to find his thumb.

Wide eyed

Grady Mack Beisel

Mom and baby ready to go to doctor.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Little Firecracker

It has been less than a week since I posted a blog.  But a lot has happened in that short amount of time.

Our 4th of July celebration was hosted by my generous son and daughter-in-law at the "Second Hand Ranch" (also referred to as "the Compound").  There were 16 of us going through the buffet line.  My parents and sister, Judy and brother-in-law, Eric joined my family for the delicious meal.  The exciting part of the day were the updates we were getting from Topeka.  Megan and Chad let us know at about 1:15 that they were at the hospital.  They had been up all night timing contractions and headed to the hospital in the morning.  It was determined that she was indeed in labor.  The doctor gave them the option of breaking her water to speed up the process.   So we received periodic updates.   At 7:20 the text came that read "dilated to 10, let the fun begin".

Shortly after that we reconvened at Dan and Myle's neighbors who were hosting the first annual triathlon for the kids.  There were 7 participants in the swim, bike, and run competition.  It took quite a while for all the bikes and shoes to be ready.  But soon the action was underway.  Besides a broken bike, a scraped elbow, and a scarey cow the race right along.  It was almost too much excitement for the old folks (and AJ was anxious to get home) so we left soon after the last runner passed the finish line.

Of course this grandma wasn't going to bed until we got word that all was well in Topeka.  It was very nerve-racking waiting for the call.  But finally it came at 9:48.  Grady Mack Beisel made his way into the world at 8:52 p.m.  He weighed in at 6 1bs 13 ounces.  Did you hear a great big sigh of relieve?

Myle, Kayla, and I made a quick trip to Topeka on Friday to meet Grady in person. I may be biased, but, he was just about perfect.  Trinity told her mom to let her know if Grady was cute or very, very,  cute. Well, I would say he was very, very, very, cute. We stayed a few hours in the hospital as the Beisel's waited for the word that they could go home.   Kayla and I will plan to go up to Topeka again on Tuesday and stay with Megan and the baby when Chad returns to work.

Ty and Laura


Judy and Eric

Kayla and Luca

Trinity and Monica waiting for the race to  begin 

The competitors

a wounded warrior

Grady Mack

Grady Mack with Grandma 

The Beisel Family

On the home front we have made some progress this week.

the driveway is poured

column are finished

stone on great room fireplace

another look at the pillars and columns

the front walk

onyx countertop and sink in bathroom

tile on bathroom floor


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It has been awhile since I have posted a blog.  I have no excuses really, well, no good excuses.  I could blame it on the extreme heat.  AJ does monopolize the computer.   Possibly you would understand if I said that the cable tv got me.

I did make a quick bus trip to Topeka to participate in a Religious Freedom Rally.  As I boarded the Diocesan sponsored bus at the Church of the Magdalen  I got a call from my mom.  It was then that I learned that my 88 year old dad was making the trip.  He had boarded the bus parked just behind mine. My mom was concerned that the trip would be too much for dad.  But as it worked out.  The busses were able to park right in front of the capital.  Someone from our parish brought extra chairs.  And we were able to find a spot in the shade.  I really enjoyed the speakers.  I especially enjoyed the keynote.  It was interesting hearing someone who has written editorials  in the Wall Street Journal say things that I have been yelling at the radio and television for some time.  I'm not sure participating in a rally can really change things but there is something about being with 3000 other like-minded people on a hot afternoon in June.  And it was nice to share the experience with my dad.

On the new home front....the mason has left the premises, the trim carpenter has completed the beams,  concrete is scheduled for Thursday, the sinks are set in the bathrooms, and the tile guy comes and goes.
I'm thinking it would be a miracle if we could move in before our August rent is due.  But then again I am a woman of faith, I believe in miracles.

Speaking of miracles.  I am very anxious for little boy Beisel to make his way into the world.  Wouldn't it be great if my next post was about his arrival!

God is good.  I am so blessed.

My Dad and me

Beams in Great Room ceiling

The fireplace and hearth in basement

Floor in Hobby Room

Where did the tile guy go?