Monday, December 17, 2012

December Happenings

It is already past the middle of December.  Where did this month go?  Where did this year go?  This December has been exceptionally fun, but hectic at the Oblingers.  We began the month with the company Christmas party.  We all gathered at Eberly Farm for a great meal and one of those fun gift exchanges.  I came home with some yummy hot chocolate which AJ was really excited about.

The next weekend WGO and I double dated with Kayla and Lucas for a fun evening at the Crown Uptown dinner theatre.  We were celebrating Kayla's birthday.  I don't think either of our husbands were too excited about seeing a stage production of the musical "White Christmas", but Kayla and I were!  Even though they changed the plot a little and some of the music was different it was still a great show.  (It was sort of like going to a movie based on a book--they always change it a little and you wonder why?) Anyway, the food was great, the play was fun, and our husbands proved their love for us by doing something just to please us.

Saturday night we watched Dan's children overnight.  We had a great time making ornaments, making some candy and watching a movie.  I'd forgotten what a beautiful sound a child's laughter is.  Trinity and Monica thought Lucy calling Linus "my sweet Baboo" just hilarious.  After Grammy and Grumpa figured out that you can't put all three children to bed in the same room, we all went to sleep.

On Sunday night we entertained the girls from WGO's office.  We served grilled salmon and chicken with twice baked potatoes and a tossed salad.

Megan and Grady came down on the follwing Friday night for our annual baking day.  (WGO and Lucas went to Topeka to help Chad install a tile backsplash.)   Kayla and Hadley and Laura were also involved in this real test of the new kitchen.  Between rocking, changing and feeding two babies we did manage to get some goodies made.  We had hoped to do some crafting also--but that didn't happen--until later in the evening.  Megan and I did manage to complete a blanket for Grady.  It was one of those pinterest ideas that was supposed to be "easy".  For Megan's first sewing project, I think it turned out mighty fine.

This was also the day of MHS Christmas Dance.  After the baking was done we had to hurry and clean up and decorate the tree.  AJ's date arrived at 4:00 to take a few pictures.  She was very pretty but very nervous.  AJ looked great all dressed up.  Unfortunately the pictures are on Megan's camera so I will have to post them later.

My December activities at Church included "poinsettia day" and the annual Christmas program.  The middle school and high school students take poinsettia's to the residents at the local skilled care and assistant living facility.  The K-6 students put on the "Best Christmas Pageant" each year complete with second graders in costume and a candle procession.  I think several of the third graders were disappointed when they found out the candles were not real but battery operated!  At the afternoon practice I noticed one of the mothers walk all the way across the church to have a discussion with her son who was portraying one of the Magi.  She had asked him why he was walking so goofy-like.  He responded,  "Mom, we are walking in a dessert!  There is SAND, you know."  What a hoot.

We did manage to get a tree, well, actually, two trees.  I wanted a tree upstairs and a tree downstairs.  Because of the height of our ceilings we needed 9 foot trees or so we thought.  To make a long story short after looking at several stores/lots we ended up with one tall fake tree and one tall cut tree.  I've never been a big fan of fake tree (or fake flowers, or fake candles) but if I wanted two I really couldn't justify the expense of two "real" trees each year--thus the compromise.  And WGO won't have to buy the fake tree on the way home from burying me.

My shopping is almost done.  My decorating is in progress.  And I am about to finish up at work.  I am so looking forward to celebrating this beautiful Holy Day with all my children and grandchildren.



Headed to the Villa

The Bakers

Hadley and Mom

Grady and Mom

Our Imaginative Wise Man

Joseph complete with beard

The Candle procession ready to go.
God is good.  I am blessed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Giving Thanks All Weekend

When we built this new house I told WGO that I wanted to be able to serve a crowd.  This Thanksgiving weekend  we got to see how the "open concept" floor plan works for entertaining.
On Thursday we served turkey and all the fixings to 17 of our family.  The girl's helped me do a lot of the prep work on Wednesday including cooking and deboning two turkeys.  Granted, I would have been to bed a lot earlier if we hadn't taken the afternoon to go shopping!  But everything was ready to serve at the designated time.  The two ovens really came in handy.  As I looked over at the buffet line as we were beginning to serve, I noticed steam rising from everything that was supposed to be hot.  Success!

Several years ago my mother passed the baton for hosting Thanksgiving dinner to the next generation.  I remember thinking how much I loved this holiday....until I had to be responsible for cooking the meal.  Let's be honest, ladies (and any men who are the chefs in their house) this isn't the easiest meal to put on the table.  Couldn't our forefathers have served a big pot of chili that first Thanksgiving day?
But this year I actually enjoyed it.  I don't know if it was because of the new kitchen or just that I have a few years of cooking this meal under my belt and have learned a few tricks

My brother and his wife from Portland, Oregan traveled to Kansas for the holiday.  They spent Thursday in Hays with Deborah's folks.  So on Friday, we gathered again to celebrate family with a nice meal.  My brothers came from Kansas City and Manhattan to visit.  Instead of serving leftovers we had ham, cheesey potatoes, and funeral dinner green beans.  My brother Ray made his awesome spinach salad and others contributed desserts.  Twenty-three people in all went through the buffet line around our kitchen island.  It was a very enjoyable evening.

Saturday morning, I went in to my mom and dad's to visit with my brothers and did some Christmas shopping.  In the afternoon WGO and I went out to Burns, KS to enjoy a bowl of chili with his sister.  It was a beautiful evening for a drive to the country.

I am not nearly as tired today as I thought I would be.  I spent most of the afternoon, (between loads of laundry), making Christmas stockings for the newest members of our family, Grady and Hadley.  I've made my Christmas "to do" list and I am actually getting a little excited.  Maybe the Christmas spirit will really take hold of me this year.

I am blessed.  God is good.

My brother, Kent and his family helped with the clean up!

The Beisel's enjoying the beautiful weather.

Too much turkey?

Hadley Ann and her daddy.

Grandma with her youngest grandchild, Tori.

Uncle John

MoMo, TiTi and Raphie

There was room for everyone.

Add caption

My mom and dad, my brothers and me!

Chili at Tabitha's



Sunset on the edge of the Flint Hills

Sunday, November 18, 2012


It is hard to believe that it is the middle of November already and we have been in the house two months.   It really started feeling like home when we got some pictures on the walls and unboxed other decorative items for the shelves.  I have found that the routine of life takes over regardless of where you live.  The secret is to train your car to return to the right address.

I did take a break from routine last week to go to the zoo with the "rainbow tribe".  Kayla and Hadley Ann joined us on the outing to make it even more special.  It was a beautiful fall day.  Cool enough so that the animals were moving but not so cold that the humans were uncomfortable.   Each of the kids got to choose one exhibit to visit.  Monica chose the penguins.  Raph wanted to see a crocodile so we went to the reptile house.  Trinity's choice was the jungle building.  There we saw the bats moving up and down a rope and a large blue bird flew down in our path and startled the heck out of me!  Kayla had never been to the tiger or gorilla exhibit so we headed there after lunch.  The tigers were moving!  We even saw one saunter into the water for some playtime.  We saw a Gorilla run across the field.  On our way to the exit we saw the meerkats, the hippos out of the water, the rhinos and giraffes.

As you can tell I really like to go to the zoo.   All the animals with their unique characteristics remind me of the awesomeness of my Creator.  What a wonderful imagination our God has!

WGO and I have been doing some furniture shopping.  We bought a love seat and chair for the den.  We also purchased  a new chair for the basement replacing the 27 year old "brown chair". We ordered a chair for our bedroom and updated the bar stools for the kitchen island.  I really enjoyed our Friday afternoon tour of the furniture stores and am happy with all of our purchases.  Our budget is now depleted so the rest of the furnishings will have to wait until another time.

It is time to think about Thanksgiving.  We will be hosting the meal for some of our children, my mom and dad and a couple of my siblings.  Then an Friday, more of my family will be in town and we will gather again at our home.  So I have lots of cooking ahead of me this week!  Megan, Grady and Laura are coming down Tuesday evening--the help will be appreciated.

I am Blessed!  God is good!

Hadley's first trip to the zoo.

Monica watching the Tiger


Hadley Ann


My Zoo Pals

Ray in the Jungle

The Den

Monday, November 5, 2012

October Blessings

Wow, it has been two weeks since my last blog.  Either nothing worth writing about is happening in my life or I haven't had time to blog.  You be the judge.

October is always a little more hectic at work because of the Mission Trip pumpkin patch.  I'm in charge of the daytime workers and taking care of the daily deposits.  I worked several afternoons at the patch including three the week of Halloween.  There are several us who are really glad that fundraiser is over.

WGO and I have a tradition of eating mexican fare on Friday nights.  We call it Fiesta Friday!  You might wonder why this tradition got started.  It is because mexican food goes great with Coronas and Coronas go great with Friday nights.   Come to find out, WGO has some mad guacamole making skills! WGO invited a  co-worker down for Fiesta Friday.  Josh was a great sounding board for WGO throughout the building project.  I think Josh enjoyed seeing the finished project and we definitely enjoyed spending the evening with him.

As mentioned in the last blog we were making costumes for Hadley and Grady.  On October 27th we attended the K of C Halloween party at Church, Hadley as Pepples and Grady as Bam Bam.  It brought   back many memories of taking my children to the annual party.  It was definitely one of our favorite family traditions.  The cousins did not place in the costume contest.  But they are number one in my book.

Sunday was a special day.  It was the day of Miss Hadley's baptism. Surrounded by the people who love her most in this world, she was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Sacraments are really special times when God enters into our lives for the purpose of showering us with his Grace.  They are times we when do something out of the ordinary that helps us remember what is really important:  God, Faith, Family.  Baby Hadley was a trooper through the entire ceremony.  Knowing how she can carry on when she is not happy,  I think both Mr. Lackey and Kayla both breathed a sigh of relief when we said our last, "Amen."

Following the baptism, we all gathered at our home for a celebratory meal. Joining my 16 for the meal were my mom and dad,  my sister Nancy, my sister Judy and her husband Eric.  Mr. Lackey's parents, Alice and Elmer came from Seneca.  And WGO's sister, Tabitha,  came from Burns. Fr. Mike also joined us.  We had a simple meal of taco soup and chicken tortilla soup with the customary garnishes.  Hadley's grandma Alice provided the desserts of pumpkin pie and/or german chocolate cake.  Monica and Trinity played the role of waitress, serving each guest their dessert.  After dinner Fr. Mike said prayers of blessing on our new home, sprinkling it with Holy Water.  It is our hope that all who enter our home receive God's abundant blessings.

I am Blessed! God is Good!

WGO and Josh, our first non-family guest

Grady as Bam Bam

Bam Bam and Pebbles in the costume parade.

Hadley, as Pebbles

Hadley being baptized.  (Trinity took the picture!)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Life at a Hectic Pace

I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Life has just got in the way of blogging.  It is amazing how the words busy and stressed and overwhelmed slip into my vocabulary.   I image someday my life will go at a slower pace but for now I will just enjoy the fun and excitement of it all (and try to take a nap on Sunday afternoons.)

The Wednesday after our trip we hosted the MHS Cross Country team dinner.  The main course was chicken enchiladas and chips and salsa.  It was a good first run at entertaining in the new house. (No pun intended.)  The CC team dinner on Wednesday was followed by a CC meet on Thursday.  Kayla, Hadley, Myle, Monica, Trinity, and Raph accompanied me to the field somewhere in Butler county to watch AJ run his last meet of the year.

On the 12th,  Kayla, Hadley, and I headed to Topeka.  Kayla wanted to introduce her first born to her friends in Topeka.  I wanted to see Grady.  On Saturday Megan and Laura hosted a "Sip and See" for Miss Hadley.  I believe this is the last of a year and a half of wedding and baby showers.  It has been an amazing two years.  While in Topeka we had a little photo shoot with the two babies.

The next week was relatively uneventful.  I actually worked 4 days in a row.  It was great being able to spend a Friday with my mom and dad.  I had been off my regular routine for 4 weeks.  Kayla and baby H. came in and with the help of Aunt Nancy we made Halloween costumes for Hadley and Grady.  You don't have to sew perfectly to make a costume--or so I was told.  I think I will probably never progress beyond costume making in my sewing ability.

Friday night the blind guy (or should we call him the window treatment salesman) came to give us a quote on window coverings for 19 of our windows.  Just when I thought we had made all the decisions!   If we get our order in soon we may even have blinds by Thanksgiving.

Saturday Gregg burned the brush pile and I went grocery shopping, made chili for a crowd, and went back to mom's for costume making part 2.  In the evening we all (by all, I mean all 16 of us) gathered at Dan and Myle's for a chili feed followed by a family picture photo shoot.  After getting over the realization that we had a miscommunication on timing and Ty and Laura were going to miss watching part of the KSU/WV game--we all had a good time.

Sunday, part of the crew gathered at the new homestead for hamburgers.  Megan made a yummy gluten free pumpkin dump cake for dessert!  We have yet to have the first family dinner at the house!  That will be next week!

Oh yea, we also closed on the loan for the house!
I am blessed.  God is good

The buffet line.
Part of the CC team.
AJ running
Hadley and AJ

Uncle AJ
Hadley meeting Aunt Renee

Welcome Hadley!

Smile Grady!

Smile Hadley!

The burn.

Me taking a picture of Trinity taking a picture of Megan.
I'm not sure what Raph is doing?

Ty and Laura keeping us informed of the KSU score.

Aunt Myle entertaining Grady

Raph and his Dad goofing around.