Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Ends

Another busy weekend has come and gone.  It began Friday night with a track meet in Wellington.  It was a nice evening, albeit a little windy, and I was had good friends to pass the time with.  It wasn't the most efficiently run track meet.  I think I could have run a mile in between each heat.

Our Keynote:  Richard Curran
Saturday morning AJ and I got up bright and early and headed to the Hilton DoubleTree for the Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference.  There were 7 teens and 3 brave chaperones from our parish.  The keynote speaker was a great story teller and had a great story to tell.  The teens had positive reports about the break out sessions, the food, and the dance.  The day ended at about 12:15 with lights out.  The celebration of the Mass on Sunday was inspiring.   We were surprised when Jake received the award for "Outstanding Youth" and Jordan the "Light of Christ" award.
AJ doing his part of the St. Michaels year in review poem.

The great teens we took to conference.

When we got home, very tired and very hungry, I fixed a quick meal for WGO and Kayla and Lucas.  (WGO and Lucas had been working on the house.)  Then Grumpa and I headed into Wichita  to see the grandgirls choir concert.  Raphie was excited to see his papa and barely even acknowledged my presence.    The girls were so cute standing on the stage.  And lets just say the singing was fun.  After refreshments, we headed home.



Raphael singing along.

By home I mean the home under construction.  WGO wanted to finish doing some clean up on the site.  So I helped sweep the garages-.  I think we might just have the cleanest construction site e-v-e-r.  It was after 6 o'clock  by the time I got to my couch with popcorn and a beer.  I was more than ready to relax.

I am blessed.  God is good.

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