Friday, May 4, 2012

Andrew Jay

I didn't want the week to end without blogging a bit about our youngest, AJ.  Yesterday, we celebrated his 16th birthday.  Joining us at the Olive Garden to celebrate were Kayla and Lucas, Dan, Myle and the three grandkids, my mom and dad and Aunt Nancy (AJ's godmother).  Although no one was hungry for dessert (especially after the endless breadsticks and salad), we did embarrass AJ by singing happy birthday (off key).

I asked myself the age old question, "Where did the years go?"  And then I remembered. AJ spent the first 11 years of his life at one of his siblings school activities.  From the day his was born,  he was dragged to baseball games, softball games, track meets, basketball games, band and choir concerts.   I am sad to say those years are somewhat a blur.  And now we are going to his CC and track meets and occasionally I make it to a band concert.   Our little one, our baby, is growing up.  He is becoming such a handsome, confident  young man.  AJ is taking Psychology this semester and they are studying birth order.  He discovered that he is technically a last child, a first child and an only child.  I'm not sure how he is handling all those rolls--but he seems to be a relatively well adjusted teenager.

WGO often says we were on the "four plus one" plan.  I am very glad that God blessed us with one more child.  He is such a blessing in our lives.  God is good.

The "perfect family"
(I'm sure Meg and Ty were with us in spirit.)

The birthday boy or Justin Beiber?

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