Sunday, May 13, 2012

Not a Routine Week

It has been a crazy week here.  WGO took the week off to work on the house.  I took most of the week off to watch the grandkids.

Monday WGO and I took a day to make some more decisions and to revisit some old ones.  It was time to choose light fixtures.  I really wasn't looking forward to this little outing because WGO is very discerning... opinionated ...picky about light fixtures. Let's just say he knows what he likes and he knows what he doesn't like.  If the truth be known, one of the main reasons we moved from 756 was that he hated the light fixtures in that house.

When we entered Accent Lighting,  we were both a bit overwhelmed.   It was wall to wall, ceiling to floor lights.  But once we (by we, I mean the sales clerk and WGO) figured out what size fixtures we needed for each space, we made the decisions relatively quickly.  And an hour and a half later we walked out feeling pretty good about ourselves.

Next we went to Star Lumber to review all the decisions we had made earlier and to begin the process of deciding on paint colors.  We made a few "change orders" including choosing a different flooring again.  Unfortunately we ran out of time as WGO was meeting with someone back at the house.

I picked up my three grandkids on Tuesday afternoon and headed to the Second Hand Ranch.  I decided it would be easier to watch them at their house.  For some unknown reason we didn't move any toys to the rental.  The only means of entertainment for children we have with us at the rental is cable tv.  A bonus for staying there was I got to see Kayla and Lucas' new home.  We walked over after dinner on Tuesday night.  As Raph and I headed over to their house two deer crossed our path.  Hofw coolis that!

On Wednesday morning we went to the zoo.  Okay, zoos are one of my favorite places.  And it was a beautiful day to go to the zoo.   The weather was perfect--not so hot that the animals are sluggish but not so cold that the humans are uncomfortable.   We saw the turkey vulture spread its wings and fly across his cage.  We fed the giraffes. We actually saw the red panda in the tree.  We watched the elephants with their trainers.  Stephanie really did not want to kneel.  We saw the cutest baby duck swim right across the hippotamus.  We saw baby meerkats and a gaggle of baby geese.  We watched the baby chimp for quite a while.  We ended our day at the zoo enjoying the antics of the baby orangutan.   The grandkids were great.  No one whined or bickered.

We swung by my folks on the way home.  We helped Grandpa and Aunt Nancy pull weeds from the flower beds.  For dinner we ordered pizza.  Gregg, AJ, Kayla, and Lucas joined us.

Botanica was our destination on Thursday morning.  We were joined by Gpa, G.G., Great Aunt Nancy and Aunt Kayla.   After touring most of the gardens we ended up at the Children's garden.  M, T, and R had a great time in each of the areas.  We ate our sack lunches by the big tree and then we played some more.   We got back to the ranch in the middle of the afternoon.  Everyone was hungry so we had an early dinner.  WGO came over and we visited with K and L while the kids played outside--it was a beautiful spring evening.  Dan and Myle arrived about 8:30.  After hearing about their trip--we slipped out.  A glass of wine awaited me!  I am truly blessed.  God is good.


Meanwhile, back at the house.  The final paint color was determined and sheet rock was hung.  I call that progress.


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