Monday, May 21, 2012

Steady Progress

AJ is out of the house so I thought I should take the opportunity to use the computer and post another blog.  What has happened in my life since I last wrote?

My sister Nancy is visiting at my folks for the month  preceeding Tyler's wedding.  She and mom are sewing up a storm.  Nancy has about 10 projects going at once.  Besides the 4 quilts mom has started that need the "drops" sewn on them, the two quilts that Renee' (another sister) started when she was in town, pillows for her grandkids, a quilt for Grady, she is also slip covering the cushions for the chair in Grady's nursery.   If I had half her energy, half her talent, and half her drive  I would get a lot more done.  She is amazing.   On Saturday, we took a break from sewing to do a little shopping.  We helped Kayla find something to wear to the wedding!

We did have workman on our "job site"  The painters have finished the outside of the house.  The sheet rockers will finish up the first of the week.  And the deck is partially complete.  Progress is slow but steady.  Unfortunately, my "contractor" has informed me that the estimated move in date has been moved back to the end of July.  I was disappointed, but know WGO is doing his best  to keep the subs lined up and on schedule.  It is what it is.  It will get done when it gets done.

I sat in the house alone this morning for a few minutes trying to imagine our completed home. I tried to picture where furniture would be placed, where pictures would be hung.  I tried to picture our first family dinner, AJ's graduation party,  Christmas celebrations.  A house is not a just a structure.  It is a place where memories are made.

I am blessed.  God is good.

The paint color is "wheat penny". 

Even with the sheet rock the "hobby room"  looks huge.

Looking from entry to the kitchen.

Painters just about finished.

Stepping out on the deck!
We are thinking that by Friday we will be able to enjoy our first beer here.

A special feature:  an opening from the garage to the pantry.
It is just big enough to put my bags of grocery through.

Brick and Stone just waiting for a mason.

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